Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Azure AD v1 Sign-On Authentication Request
What is the Azure AD v1.0 Sign-On Authentication Request?
Before deciding which Azure AD v1.0 authentication flow you want to implement
in your Web application, you need to have a good understanding of the
Azure AD sign-on authentication request, which is the first call you
have to make in any authentication flow.
Here is an example of Azure AD 1.0 sign-on authentication request and its parameters:
POST client_id=bd51d56c-e744-4a58-91e1-************ & &scope=openid &response_type=id_token &response_mode=form_post &nonce=xxxxxx &state=yyyyyy
Here are the parameters you need to provide:
Note that if there is issue with authentication request, Azure AD will display an error page to your end user during the sign-on process.
⇒ Initiate Azure AD v1 Authentication Request
2022-05-05, 1346🔥, 0💬
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