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Azure AD v1 Authentication Request Test Page
How to build an Azure AD v1.0 Authentication Request Test page?
The Authentication Request is the first call to the Azure AD service. You can build a simple Web form page to test different behavior of the Authentication Request.
Here is an example, Azure-AD-Authentication-Request-Test.html:
<html><body><h3>Azure AD Authentication Request Test</h3> <form method="GET" action=""> client_id: <input size="80" name="client_id" value="bd51d56c-e744-4a58-91e1-************"><br/> redirect_uri: <input size="80" name="redirect_uri" value=""><br/> scope: <input name="scope" value="openid"><br/> response_type: <input name="response_type" value="id_token"><br/> response_mode: <input name="response_mode" value="form_post"><br/> nonce: <input name="nonce" value="xxxxxx"><br/> state: <input name="state" value="yyyyyy"><br/> <br/> <input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"><br/> </form> </body></html>
Upload this page to your Web server, and view it from a Web browser, you see the test form displayed:
You can enter your own client_id, redirect_uri and other parameters to try it.
⇒ Dump Azure AD v1 Authentication Response
2022-05-01, 1351🔥, 0💬
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