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Azure AD v1 id_token Decoded Example
Where to find an Azure AD v1.0 id_token decoded example?
Here is an example of an "id_token" value returned from Azure AD v1.0
after Base64URL decoded:
Header = { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "RS256", "x5t": "i6lGk3FZzxRcUb2C3nEQ7syHJlY", "kid": "i6lGk3FZzxRcUb2C3nEQ7syHJlY" } Body = { "aud": "ef1da9d4-ff77-4c3e-a005-840c3f830745", "iss": "", "iat": 1537233106, "nbf": 1537233106, "exp": 1537237006, "acr": "1", "aio": "AXQAi/8IAAAAFm+E/QTG+gFnVxLjWdw8K+61AGrSOuMMF6ebaMj7XO3IbmD3 fGmrOyD+NvZyGn2VaT/kDKXw4MIhrgGVq6Bn8wLXoT1LkIZ+FzQVkJPPLQOV 4KcXqSlCVPDS/DiCDgE222TImMvWNaEMaUOTsIGvTQ==", "amr": [ "wia" ], "appid": "75dbe77f-10a3-4e59-85fd-8c127544f17c", "appidacr": "0", "email": "", "family_name": "Lincoln", "given_name": "Abe (MSFT)", "idp": "", "ipaddr": "", "name": "abeli", "oid": "02223b6b-aa1d-42d4-9ec0-1b2bb9194438", "rh": "I", "scp": "user_impersonation", "sub": "l3_roISQU222bULS9yi2k0XpqpOiMz5H3ZACo1GeXA", "tid": "fa15d692-e9c7-4460-a743-29f2956fd429", "unique_name": "", "uti": "FVsGxYXI30-TuikuuUoFAA", "ver": "1.0" } Signature = ...
Detail description of each field can be found in Microsoft article: "ID tokens".
2021-05-16, 1697🔥, 0💬
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