Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
Introduction of EPUB 2.0 Specification
Where to find tutorials on introduction of EPUB 2.0 Specification?
Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by team on introduction of EPUB 2.0 Specification.
What Is EPUB 2.0 Specification
Minimum Requirement of EPUB 2.0.1 File
Hello-2.0.epub - "mimtype" File
Hello-2.0.epub - "container.xml" File
Hello-2.0.epub - Package File: package.opf
Hello-2.0.epub - Navigation File: navigation.xml
Hello-2.0.epub - Content File: content.xhtml
Hello-2.0.epub Created with WinRAR
⇒ What Is EPUB 2.0 Specification
2019-01-12, 2639🔥, 0💬
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