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"docker container create alpine" - Create Alpine Container
How to Create Alpine Container with the "docker container create alpine" command?
With the Alpine Docker Image downloaded to the local repository,
you can use the "docker container create alpine" command to create a new container
from the Alpine image.
1. Run "docker container create" command to create a new container.
fyicenter$ docker container create --name my_alpine alpine fddc7452d4f6e4a49c7477d9f436810d950b8f3d0b3b82cf01672b7fb301ebc5
2. Check the new container.
fyicenter$ docker container list --latest CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS NAMES fddc7452d4f6 alpine "/bin/sh" About a minute ago Created my_alpine
As you can see, we have successfully created a container for the Alpine Linux system.
⇒ "docker container start" - Start Alpine Container
2018-12-25, 1019🔥, 0💬
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