Tools, FAQ, Tutorials:
"MyLib.vb" - VB Class and Library
How to create a VB class and build it into a library?
If you want to create a VB class and build it into a library,
you can follow this tutorial:
1. Create the class source code file, MyLib.vb, with a text editor:
' MyLib.vb ' Copyright (c) Public Class MyLib Public Shared Sub PrintHello() Console.WriteLine("Hello World! - From MyLib.") End Sub End Class
2. Compile and build the static library with the "vbc /target:library" command:
>vbc /target:library MyLib.vb Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. >dir MyLib.* 09:47 AM 6,144 MyLib.dll 09:42 AM 182 MyLib.vb
3. Distribute the library file, MyLib.dll, to others to use.
⇒ "MyLibApp.vb" - Call VB Class from Library
⇐ VB Command Line Compiler in Visual Studio 2017
2017-08-13, 2372🔥, 0💬
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