Azure AD Application Integration in Azure AD B2C


How to integrate my application with to Azure AD service? I have registered it as an Azure AD application.



If you have registered your application as an Azure AD application, you can integrate your application with Azure AD service using OpenID Connect protocol with the following information:

1. "Endpoints" - URLs of different Integration request calls. You can see them by going to "Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > Endpoints". For example:

URL for OpenID Connect authentication request:

URL for OpenID Connect access token request:

2. "Application ID" - The identifier of your application in Azure AD service. You should see it after your application registration. "Application ID" is used as the "client_id" parameter in both OpenID Connect requests.

3. "Secret Key" - The secret key you added as part of your application registration to protect the OpenID Connect access token request call. "Secret Key" is used as the "client_secret" parameter in the access token request.

4. "Reply URLs" - URLs of you server side scripts you added as part of your application registration. "Reply URL" is used as the "redirect_uri" parameter in both OpenID Connect requests.

You should be able to finish the integration by following other tutorials.


Register Azure AD B2C Application

Register Azure AD Application in Azure AD B2C

Azure AD B2C Integration

⇑⇑ OpenID Tutorials

2019-03-20, 1385🔥, 0💬