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"docker image pull alpine" - Pull Alpine Image
How to pull Alpine Docker Image with the "docker image pull alpine" command? You can pull the latest release of the Alpine Docker Image from the registry using the "docker pull image alpine" command. 1. Download the image from the registry. fyicenter$ docker image pull alpine Using default tag: late...
2019-03-10, 1137🔥, 0💬

'dict' Literals and Conversions
How to specify "dict" values in Python code? "dict" values can be specified using "dict" literals or the dict() conversion function as shown in this tutorial: 1. "dict" literals in {n1:v1, n2:v2, ...} format as shown below: &gt;&gt;&gt; {"Age":25, "Name":"Joe"} {'Age': 25, 'Name': 'Joe'}...
2023-07-01, 1135🔥, 0💬

What Is Distributed Ledger
What Is distributed ledger? A distributed ledger, also called Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), is a consensus of replicated, shared, and synchronized data storage based the blockchain technology. The Distributed Ledger Technology can be used to change the way we do business today in many areas. ...
2023-03-28, 1134🔥, 0💬

Where Are Instance Properties Stored
Where Are Instance Properties Stored? Instance properties are stored in a built-in property called "__dict__" in each instance object. The "__dict__" property is inherited from the base class "object" and managed by the Python engine. If you ever forget what instance properties are associated with a...
2022-09-24, 1132🔥, 0💬

Google OpenID Connect Authentication Request
What is the Google OpenID Connect Authentication Request? Before deciding which authentication flow you want to implement in your Web application, you need to have a good understanding of the Google OpenID Connect authentication request, which is the first call you have to make in any authentication...
2021-03-07, 1130🔥, 0💬

Watch Chaincode Container Log
How to watch the log file of chaincode Container Log? You can follow this tutorial to watch the log file of a chaincode container: 1. Set up new terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file of the chaincode container linked to "peer0.org1": $ docker ps --all | grep dev-peer0.org1 cc7aeb60bb...
2020-06-08, 1130🔥, 0💬

What Is Azure AD B2C
What is Azure AD (Active Directory) B2C (Business To Consumer)? Azure AD B2C provides authentication services to users in your own organizations, your external partner organizations, and any users with Microsoft ID or other IDs like Google or Facebook. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) B2C is an ide...
2019-03-20, 1130🔥, 0💬

EPUB not Supported on Kindle for PC
Can I open and read EPUB books with Kindle for PC? No. You can not I open and read EPUB books with Kindle for PC? Amazon does not want Kindle for PC to support EPUB file format. If you have EPUB books and want to read them in Kindle devices, you have to use a software tool like "Calibre" to convert ...
2018-07-13, 1130🔥, 0💬

Highlight Part of a Paragraph in HTML
How To Highlight One Part of a Paragraph? If you want to highlight one part of a paragraph, you can use the "strong" element with the "p" element. Below is a good tutorial example of using "strong" elements: &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt; &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Str...
2023-08-03, 1128🔥, 0💬

Launch the WYFA Network
How to Launch the Hyperledger Fabric Network to run the WYFA (Writing Your First Application) tutorial? You can follow these steps to Launch the Hyperledger Fabric Network to run the WYFA (Writing Your First Application) tutorial. 1. Run the startFabric.sh script to spin up a blockchain network, cre...
2020-02-29, 1128🔥, 0💬

papercontract.js - PaperNet Chaincode (Smart Contract)
What is the PaperNet Chaincode (Smart Contract), papercontract.js? papercontract.js is the chaincode (or smart contract) for the PaperNet written in Node.js language. 1. View papercontract.js source code: (magnetocorp admin)$ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples(magnetocorp admin)$ cd commercia...
2019-12-02, 1128🔥, 0💬

What Is Docker Client (or CLI)
What is Docker Client, or CLI (Command Line Interface)? Docker Client, or CLI (Command Line Interface), is a command line tool that allows you to manage the Docker environment, including the Docker Engine, Containers, Images, and Registries. When you install Docker, make sure that you have Docker CE...
2019-04-06, 1128🔥, 0💬

Create Peer Admin Access Card
How to Create Peer Admin Access Card for my Hyperledger Fabric developer environment? Create Peer Admin Access Card is needed to deploy new Composer business network BNA file to the Hyperledger Fabric developer environment. You can follow these steps to a Create Peer Admin Access Card. 1. Create a n...
2020-12-26, 1127🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger Composer? I want to know how to create Hyperledger Composer business networks. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about Hyperledger Composer: Introduction of Hyperledger Composer Hype...
2021-02-04, 1125🔥, 0💬

Images in HTML 'pre' Elements
Can Images Be Included in "pre" Elements? Yes. In-line elements can be included pre elements. So images can be included in pre elements with img elements. Here is a good example of img elements in pre elements: &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt; &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 ...
2023-08-03, 1122🔥, 0💬

Process Azure AD v1 Authentication Request
How to the Azure AD v1.0 Sign-On Authentication Request is process by Azure AD service? When Azure AD v1.0 service receives a Sign-On Authentication Request from an end user's Web browser, it will: Verify if the "client_id" value in the request is valid. If not, display an error message page to the ...
2022-05-01, 1122🔥, 0💬

Build Implicit Flow with Google OpenID Connect
How to implement the OpenID Implicit Flow with Google OpenID Connect service? If you want to implement the OpenID Implicit Flow in your Web application to use Google OpenID Connect service, you should follow these steps: 1. Building the Google OpenID Connect Sign-on authentication request: Register ...
2022-02-04, 1121🔥, 0💬

Test Python Hello Website Container
How to test the Python Hello Website Container? I have it running now. If you have the Python Hello Website Container running as shown in the last tutorial, you continue to test it. 1. Check the container status: fyicenter$ docker container list CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS 7da8f1...
2020-08-25, 1121🔥, 0💬

Issue to Install "npm 5.x" on Ubuntu 18
Why I can only install "npm 3.5.2" on Ubuntu 18? If you are running Ubuntu 18, the default "apt install npm" command will only insatlle "npm 3.5.2: $ sudo apt install npm ... installing the "npm" package $ sudo apt install npm Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state info...
2021-04-04, 1120🔥, 0💬

Authentication Response Received from Azure AD v1
How to process the authentication response received from Azure AD v1.0 service after sending a sign-on authentication request? After Azure AD v1.0 service receives a sign-on authentication request from the end user's Web browser, it will process the request and redirect the Web browser to the "redir...
2022-05-01, 1119🔥, 0💬

"docker exec -it cli bash" - BYFN CLI Shell
How to run "docker exec -it cli bash" command to run a shell script window in the BYFN (Build Your First Network) CLI Docker Container? The BYFN (Build Your First Network) CLI Docker Container is a command line service door to manage your BYFN network. You can run it and connect to it as shell scrip...
2020-10-10, 1118🔥, 0💬

HTML 'body' Sub-Elements
What Elements Are Allowed as Body Sub-Elements? The content model of the body element is sub-element only. Character data is not allowed as body element's content. You can only enter sub elements inside the body element. But not all elements can be entered inside the body element. Strict HTML docume...
2023-08-09, 1116🔥, 0💬

Handle Exceptions with "mysql.connector"
How to handle errors or exceptions with "mysql.connector" module? While you are using "mysql.connector" module, an error or exception could occur on any MySQL database related statements. There are 3 basic ways to handle those errors or exceptions. 1. Default behavior - Whenever "mysql.connector" mo...
2021-09-09, 1113🔥, 0💬

OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow
What is the authentication code flow specified in OpenID Connect? The Authorization Code Flow is most secure authentication flow specified in OpenID Connect. Here are the steps of the Authorization Code flow given in the OpenID Connect 1.0 specification: Rely Party prepares an authentication request...
2021-08-11, 1112🔥, 0💬

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