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RSS FAQ and Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on RSS specifications? I want to learn it to describe my API services. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about RSS specification: Introduction of RSS What Is RSS (Rich Site Summary) What Is the Rel...
2017-09-22, 72500🔥, 0💬

Real Atom XML Examples
Where to get a real Atom XML example? You can follow this tutorial to get a real Atom XML example: 1. Go to FYIcenter.com Developer Website . 2. Scroll to the bottom and click the "Atom" link. You see an Atom XML document displayed as an XML tree or as new feeds depending on the Web browser you are ...
2017-12-26, 6826🔥, 0💬

Atom Online Validator at w3.org
How to use the Atom Online Validator at w3.org? w3.org feed validation service is provided at http://validator.w3.org/feed/. It offers you two methods to validate your Atom feed document: Validate by URL - Validating a feed file by entering the URL where the feed file is located. Validate by Direct ...
2017-12-31, 5205🔥, 0💬

RSS Online Validator at w3.org
How to use the RSS Online Validator at w3.org? You can follow this tutorial to learn how to use the RSS Online Validator at w3.org. 1. Go to Feed Validation Service at w3.org . 2. Enter the following RSS feed in the input box: http://dev.fyicenter.com/rss_x ml.php3. Click the "Check" button. You see...
2024-02-05, 4078🔥, 2💬

RSS Validation Errors at w3.org
How to read RSS validation errors at w3.org? If your RSS feed has errors, the RSS validator at w3.org will detect the errors and provide information to help you to resolve them as shown in this tutorial: 1. Go to Feed Validation Service at w3.org . 2. Click the "Validate by Direct Input" tab. You se...
2017-10-16, 3555🔥, 0💬

Atom Validation Errors at w3.org
How to read Atom validation errors at w3.org? If your Atom feed has errors, the Atom validator at w3.org will detect the errors and provide information to help you to resolve them as shown in this tutorial: 1. Go to Feed Validation Service at w3.org . 2. Click the "Validate by Direct Input" tab. You...
2017-12-31, 3189🔥, 0💬

RSS 2.0 XML Schema at codeplex.com
Where Can I get a copy of the RSS XML Schema? RSS XML Schema is an XML Schema that defines how an RSS XML document should be generated. If you are interested to know how to use an RSS XML Schema to generate RSS XML documents in C# language, you can look at the source code of "RSS 2.0 Schema" project...
2017-11-05, 3042🔥, 0💬

View Atom Feeds with IE (Internet Explorer)
How to View Atom Feeds with IE (Internet Explorer)? If you want to view Atom Feeds with IE (Internet Explorer), you can follow this tutorial: 1. Launch IE (Internet Explorer) 11. 2. Enter the following in the URL input box: http://dev.fyicenter.com/atom_ xml.php3. Press "Enter" key. You see the Atom...
2017-12-31, 2884🔥, 0💬

HTML Tags in RSS "channel/item/description"
How to enter HTML Tags in RSS "channel/item/description"? In most cases, the "channel/item/description" XML element should contain a text string describing the RSS feed item without HTML tags. But sometimes, you would like to include HTML tags in the "channel/item/description" XML element, to provid...
2017-11-05, 2878🔥, 0💬

Atom XML Schema at ogcnetwork.net
Where Can I get a copy of the Atom XML Schema? A XSD (XML Schema Definition) file contains a set of definitions of XML elements and attributes to form a new XML based specification. The same DTD file can be used to validate XML files that comply with the new specification. Atom feed is an XML based ...
2018-01-06, 2626🔥, 0💬

What Is RSS (Rich Site Summary)
What Is RSS (Rich Site Summary)? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a type of Web syndication or feed in XML format which allows users to access updates of a Website in a standardized format. RSS originally called RDF (Resource Description Framework) Site Summary. RSS is also called Rich Site Summar...
2018-01-08, 2601🔥, 0💬

MIME Type Definition for Atom Files
What Is the MIME Type Definition for Atom Files? Atom files have its own MIME type definition as: MIME type: application/atom+xml File extension: .atom, .xml Type of format: Syndication Extended from: XML   ⇒ Atom Syndication Feed File ⇐ Icon for Atom Syndication ⇑ Introduction of Atom ⇑⇑ RSS FAQ ...
2017-12-21, 2589🔥, 0💬

Protect XML Special Characters in RSS Feeds
How to protect XML Special Characters in RSS Feeds? An RSS document is an XML document. And there 3 primary XML special characters you need to protect them, if you are using them in your RSS element contents: "<" - Used to indicate the start of an XML element tag. It needs to be protected usi...
2017-11-05, 2578🔥, 0💬

View Atom Feeds with Chrome Extension
How to View Atom Feeds with Google Chrome? I have the "Atom Subscription Extension" installed. If you have the "Atom Subscription Extension" installed, you can follow this tutorial to view Atom Feeds: 1. Launch Google Chrome 60. 2. Enter the following in the URL input box: http://dev.fyicenter.com/a...
2017-12-31, 2450🔥, 0💬

Write Minimum Atom 1.0 Feed File
How to write a Minimum Atom 1.0 Feed File? If you want your Website to support a minimum Atom 1.0 feed, you can follow this tutorial. 1. First create a file called "atom.xml" with the following content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/ A...
2017-12-13, 2403🔥, 0💬

Atom Element Types: "feed" and "entry"
What are main Atom element types? There are 2 main element types defined for Atom feed files: Atom Feed Element - Representing an Atom feed, including metadata about the feed, and some or all of the entries associated with it. Its root element is the <feed> element. Atom Entry Element ...
2017-12-09, 2280🔥, 0💬

View RSS Feeds with IE (Internet Explorer)
How to View RSS Feeds with IE (Internet Explorer)? If you want to view RSS Feeds with IE (Internet Explorer), you can follow this tutorial: 1. Launch IE (Internet Explorer) 11. 2. Enter the following in the URL input box: http://dev.fyicenter.com/rss_x ml.php3. Press "Enter" key. You see the RSS fee...
2017-10-16, 2239🔥, 0💬

Differences between RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0
What Are Main Differences between RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0? Main differences between Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 are: Atom has separate "summary" and "content" elements, while RSS only has one "description" element. Atom standardizes auto-discovery in contrast to the many non-standard variants used with RSS 2....
2017-12-13, 2237🔥, 0💬

Tools to Create Atom Feed Files
Are there any tools to Create Atom Feed Files? Obviously, there are many tools to create Atom Feed files: Using Atom on-line scrapers - On-line scrapers are on-line services that can analyze your Web pages and convert the result into Atom feed files automatically. All you need to do is to provide th...
2017-11-25, 2191🔥, 0💬

View RSS Feeds with Chrome Extension
How to View RSS Feeds with Google Chrome? I have the "RSS Subscription Extension" installed. If you have the "RSS Subscription Extension" installed. you can follow this tutorial to view RSS Feeds: 1. Launch Google Chrome 60. 2. Enter the following in the URL input box: http://dev.fyicenter.com/rss_x ...
2017-11-02, 2184🔥, 0💬

Google Chrome Showing RSS Feeds as XML
Why is Google Chrome Showing RSS Feeds as XML? Google Chrome is showing RSS Feeds as XML, because it has stopped the support of formatted viewing of RSS feeds by default. Follow this tutorial to see this behavior: 1. Launch Google Chrome 60. 2. Enter the following in the URL input box: http://dev.fy...
2017-10-16, 2144🔥, 0💬

Atom "feed/entry" Element
What is the Atom "feed/entry" element? The Atom "feed/entry" element presents a single Atom feed entry. The Atom "feed/entry" element contains the following information: id - REQUIRED. Specifies an identification that uniquely identifies this Atom feed entry. For example: <id>http://de...
2018-01-06, 1897🔥, 0💬

HTML Tags in Atom "feed/entry/summary"
How to enter HTML Tags in Atom "feed/entry/summary"? In most cases, the "feed/entry/summary" XML element should contain a text string describing the Atom feed entry without HTML tags. But sometimes, you would like to include HTML tags in the "feed/entry/summary" XML element, to provide images and hy...
2018-01-06, 1892🔥, 0💬

Download RSS Specification
How to download RSS 2.0 Specification? You can follow this tutorial to download RSS 2.0 specification: 1. Go to RSS Specification page . 2. Use the browser "Save As" function to save a copy to your computer.   ⇒ RSS specifications ⇐ MIME Type Definition for RSS Files ⇑ Introduction of RSS ⇑⇑ RSS F...
2018-01-08, 1887🔥, 0💬

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