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Download Business Network from Playground
How to download Business Network from Hyperledger Composer Playground? You can follow this tutorial to download a Business Network from Hyperledger Composer Playground and save it to your local computer. 1. Open Hyperledger Composer Playground and go to Basic Sample Business Network home page, as sh...
2020-12-15, 938🔥, 0💬

Invoke Operation on Chaincode Container
Which chaincode container runs the chaincode invoke operation? The chaincode "mycc" instance is configured in the BYFN (Build Your First Network) to run in both chaincode containers when one of their peers receives the "Invoke" call. 1. Set up a terminal on the hosting system to follow the log file ...
2020-06-08, 937🔥, 0💬

Deploy peer0.org1.example.com Manually
How to Deploy peer0.org1.example.com as a Docker container manually? You can follow this tutorial to Deploy peer0.org1.example.com as a Docker container manually. 1. Verify the configuration of the peer0.org1.example.com container defined in the docker-compose.yml file: $ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/f...
2020-03-25, 937🔥, 0💬

What is Hyperledger Composer Playground Server
What is Hyperledger Composer Playground Server? Hyperledger Composer Playground Server is a Web server that allows you to run and control your own Hyperledger Composer Playground. Hyperledger Composer Playground Server is included in the Hyperledger Composer tool set. It is normally installed as par...
2021-02-17, 936🔥, 0💬

Create Network Business Card in Playground
How to Create new Network Business Cards in Playground? You can follow this tutorial to Create new Network Business Cards in Playground. 1. Enter the following address in your browser. You see the Playground home page. http://localhost:8080 2. Click "Create Business Network Card". You the "Create A ...
2020-12-02, 934🔥, 0💬

Incompatible Chaincode on BYFN Peers
How to list installed and instantiated chaincodes on BYFN Peers? You can follow this tutorial to list and review installed and instantiated chaincodes on peer nodes of your BYFN network. 1. Connect to the BYFN CLI container and check the default peer: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# echo $CORE_...
2020-09-15, 934🔥, 0💬

Start CLI Container for DigiBank Admin
How to Start CLI Container for the DigiBank Administrator? If you are the administrator from DigiBank and want to manage the PaperNet Hyperledger Fabric network, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Create a new terminal window and run the docker-compose command to start the CLI container: (digibank adm...
2019-11-21, 932🔥, 0💬

Warning on Incompatible "npm" Version
Why I am getting the Incompatible "npm" Version warning with installating Hyplerledger Composer CLI on Ubuntu? You may get the Incompatible "npm" Version warning, if you install Hyplerledger Composer CLI with the "@0.20" version option: $ sudo npm install -g composer-cli@0.20 WARN engine composer-cl...
2021-04-04, 926🔥, 0💬

ERROR(PKG-006) - Mimetype Not the First
How to fix the "ERROR(PKG-006) - Mimetype file entry is missing or is not the first file ..." error? When you validate a EPUB 2.0 package with EpubCheck, you may see the following error: C:\fyicenter&gt; java -jar epubcheck.jar Error-Mimetype-Not-First-2.0.e pubValidating using EPUB version 2.0....
2022-04-21, 921🔥, 0💬

PATH Directories of Windows Container
How to see the PATH directories of Windows image? I want to know what programs I can run on the container. One way to see the PATH directories of a Windows image is to run the CMD shell interactively. Then run the SET sub-command in the shell. C:\fyicenter&gt; docker run --name windows --entrypo...
2022-02-02, 920🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Access Control File
What Is Hyperledger Composer Access Control (*.acl)? A Hyperledger Composer Access Control file is a source code file that define access control rules of which participant can access which assets and execute which transactions. A access control file uses the Access Control Language (ACL) and the .ac...
2020-11-22, 920🔥, 0💬

Install Docker CE with Shell Script
How to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on Ubuntu with Shell Script? Docker Website provides a shell script that can be used to install Docker CE (Community Edition) on your Ubuntu computer. 1. Download the Docker shell script from docker.com fyicenter$ mkdir docker fyicenter$ cd docker fyicent...
2019-03-12, 918🔥, 0💬

Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain
How to Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain? You can follow this tutorial to Inspect Transaction Blocks of Channel Blockchain. 1. Connect to the CLI container of the Hyperledger Fabric network: $ docker exec -it cli bash bash-4.4# 2. Download (fetch) the newest block from "mychannel" cha...
2020-08-13, 917🔥, 0💬

"docker image inspect alpine" - Inspect Alpine Image
How to Inspect Alpine Docker Image with the "docker image inspect alpine" command? To get more detailed information about the Alpine Docker Image, you can use the "docker image inspect alpine" command. 1. Download the image from the registry. fyicenter$ docker image inspect alpine [ { "Id": "sha256:...
2019-03-04, 916🔥, 0💬

Business Network CTO Modeling Language
Where to find tutorials on Business Network CTO Modeling Language. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Business Network CTO Modeling Language. What Is CTO Modeling Language CTO Language Statements "participant" CTO Statement Syntax ...
2022-02-19, 913🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Fabric Process Flow
Where to find tutorials on Hyperledger Fabric Process Flow? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Hyperledger Fabric Process Flow. What Is Hyperledger Fabric Query   ⇒ What Is Hyperledger Fabric Query ⇐ Organization with CLI Admin To...
2020-01-29, 912🔥, 0💬

"asset" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "asset" CTO Statement The "asset" statement declares a generic data type to represent primary data entities that can be referenced with their unique IDs. Here is the syntax of an "asset" statement: [abstract] asset type_name [identified by id_name] | [extends super_type] { ...
2021-08-01, 909🔥, 0💬

"concept" CTO Statement Syntax
What is the syntax of the "concept" CTO Statement The "concept" statement declares a generic data type to represent secondary data entities to support primary data entities. Here is the syntax of an "concept" statement: concept type_name [extends super_type] { o|--&gt; property_type property_nam...
2021-06-19, 909🔥, 0💬

Hyperledger Composer Environment Components
What components are included in my Hyperledger Composer Environment? The fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz package provides the 4 components running as Docker containers to form your Hyperledger Composer Environment. You can identify Hyperledger Composer by their container names from the output of the "dock...
2020-07-14, 908🔥, 0💬

"microsoft/windowsservercore" - Windows Base Image
What is the Windows Base Image, "microsoft/windowsservercore"? If you want to build any Docker images for Windows platform, you should take a look at the Windows base image first. 1. Search for Windows related images: C:\fyicenter&gt; docker search windows microsoft/windowsservercore The officia...
2022-12-15, 906🔥, 0💬

Install Hyplerledger Composer Environment
Where to find tutorials on installing Hyplerledger Composer Environment on Ubuntu. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on installing Hyplerledger Composer Environment on Ubuntu. Hyplerledger Composer Environment Requirement Install Com...
2021-05-04, 905🔥, 0💬

stop.sh - Stop basic-network
How to run stop.sh script to stop the Hyperledger Fabric example network, basic-network? You can follow this tutorial to run stop.sh script to stop the Hyperledger Fabric example network, basic-network. 1. Run stop.sh script to stop the basic-network: $ cd ~/hyperledger-binaries/fabric- samples/basic...
2020-04-25, 902🔥, 0💬

Spaces in Path Name on Windows Images
How to manage spaces in path names on Windows images? Spaces in path names are not allowed on Linus systems. But spaces in path names are allowed on Windows systems. There are 2 general rules you have to remember to manage spaces in path names in the Dockerfile to build Windows images. 1. Using the ...
2021-11-30, 898🔥, 0💬

Basic Sample Business Network - SampleParticipant
How to add new SampleParticipant records in Basic Sample Business Network? You can follow this tutorial to add new SampleParticipant records in Basic Sample Business Network. 1. Open Hyperledger Composer Playground and go to Basic Sample Business Network home page, as shown in the previous tutorial....
2020-12-22, 898🔥, 0💬

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