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Testing Area
What is test testing area for? The testing area is provided to allow visitors to post testing comments.
2023-12-08, 464140🔥, 20💬

💬 2024-01-23 vps-f18eb363.vps.ovh.net: Otwórz menu Otwórz menu logowania

💬 2024-01-16 csdcsda: casdcasd

💬 2024-01-04 kk: h;lo

(More comments ...)

PHP Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on PHP language? I want to know how to learn PHP. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about PHP language: Downloading and Installing PHP Installing PHP for Windows Verifying PHP Installation PHP Conf...
2023-12-25, 88603🔥, 2💬

💬 2022-09-24 Franklin: Easy to follow. Thanks

RSS FAQ and Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on RSS specifications? I want to learn it to describe my API services. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about RSS specification: Introduction of RSS What Is RSS (Rich Site Summary) What Is the Rel...
2017-09-22, 74925🔥, 0💬

Examples of Invalid JSON Values
Where to see some Examples of Invalid JSON Values? Here are some Examples of Invalid JSON Values: 1. Invalid JSON Strings: 'John' - Wrong quotes "John says "Hello!"" - " inside the string must use escape sequence \" 2. Invalid JSON Numbers: $1.00 - Currency sign is now allowed in numbers 99.00 * 0.1...
2023-04-27, 59489🔥, 4💬

💬 2023-04-27 Anton: THANK YOU

💬 2021-08-04 chelseaclark: High Throughput Screening (HTS) is a drug discovery process that allows automated detection of large numbers of chemical and/or ...

requests.models.Response Objects
What properties and functions are supported on requests.models.Response objects? "requests" module supports the following properties and functions on requests.models.Response objects: >>> r = requests.get() >>> r.status_code >>> r.header...
2024-04-02, 41316🔥, 2💬

💬 2024-04-02 Javier Rojas: very good!

💬 2022-11-21 no: no

Dump Azure AD v2.0 Authentication Response
How to build a PHP script to dump Azure AD 2.0 Authentication Response? If you are use the Azure-AD-Authentication-Reques t-Test.htmltest Web form, you need to write a server side script to dump the Azure AD Authentication Response. Here is an example of PHP script, openID_receiver.php, that dumps a...
2019-04-03, 31529🔥, 0💬

'rowspan' - Merging Cells HTML Table Columns
How To Merge Cells in a Column? If you want to merge multiple cells vertically in a row, you need to use the "rowspan" attribute of in a "td" element. "rowspan" allows you to specify how many cells you want to merge into this cell vertically. Below is a tutorial example of merging cells vertically: ...
2023-12-25, 25152🔥, 3💬

💬 2023-12-25 dyx: very good. I have been looking for this example for a long time, thank you very much

💬 2022-12-13 asddsad: dssfds

Install Windows SDK 8.1 with Visual Studio Installer
How to install "The Windows SDK version 8.1"? I need to build my Visual Studio C++ applications. If you want to install Windows SDK Version 8.1 with Visual Studio Installer, you can follow this tutorial: 1. Close "Visual Studio". And run "All Programs > Visual Studio Installer". You see "Visu...
2023-12-01, 24172🔥, 0💬

'context.Request.Body' Request Body
How to access Request body from "context.Request.Body" object in Azure API Policy? Request body is the HTTP request body, which follows an empty line after request headers. You can access Request body from "context.Request.Body" object in any policy statements. This "context.Request.Body" object is ...
2018-01-24, 22020🔥, 0💬

'context.Request.Url.Query' Query String Parameters
How to access Query String parameters from "context.Request.Url.Query" object in Azure API Policy? Query String parameters are parameters provided in the query string in the form of name=value&name=value. ..format. For example, the following URL has two query string parameters: "date" and "s...
2024-01-03, 16104🔥, 1💬

💬 2024-01-03 BOB: something meaningful

'set-body' Azure API Policy Statement
How to use the "set-body" Policy Statement for an Azure API service operation? The "set-body" Policy Statement can be used to reset the body of the request when calling the backend service or the body of the response when returning response to the client system. The "set-body" Policy Statement can b...
2023-02-09, 15630🔥, 2💬

💬 2023-02-09 RAMESH: Ramesh

Reading Data from Keyboard in PHP
How To Read Data from Keyboard (Standard Input) in PHP? If you want to read data from the standard input, usually the keyboard, you can use the fopen("php://stdin") function. It creates a special file handle linking to the standard input, and returns the file handle. Once the standard input is opene...
2024-01-16, 14055🔥, 5💬

Build "sleep" Image from Alpine
How to Build my "sleep" Docker image from the Alpine image? I want the container to sleep for 10 hours. If you want to build a new Docker image that can be started with a 10-hour sleep command, you can follow this tutorial. 1. Create a "Dockerfile" file with 2 instructions: fyicenter$ mkdir sleep fy...
2022-06-28, 13471🔥, 1💬

Dump Everything from 'context.Request'
How to build a test service operation to dump everything from the "context.Request" object in the response in Azure API Policy? If you want to build a test service operation to dump everything from the request to the response with an Azure API policy, you can follow this tutorial: 1. Go to the publi...
2018-01-24, 13386🔥, 0💬

Reading a File in Binary Mode in PHP
How To Read a File in Binary Mode in PHP? If you have a file that stores binary data, like an executable program or picture file, you need to read the file in binary mode to ensure that none of the data gets modified during the reading process. You need to: Open the file with fopen($fileName, "rb")....
2024-01-04, 12382🔥, 1💬

"Docker failed to initialize" Error
Why am I getting this "Docker failed to initialize" error? After installing the latest version of Docker Desktop on Windows, you can run "Docker Desktop" and hope it will work automatically. But because of compatibility issues, running the latest version of Docker Desktop on Windows with default opt...
2023-02-03, 11696🔥, 0💬

http.client.HTTPResponse Objects
What properties and functions are supported on http.client.HTTPResponse objects? If you get an http.client.HTTPResponse object from a urlopen() function call, you should be able use the following properties and functions: >>> r = urllib.request.urlopen('http:/ /httpbin.org/get')...
2018-09-24, 11379🔥, 0💬

Adding Values to an Array without Keys in PHP
Can You Add Values to an Array without Keys in PHP? Can You Add Values to an Array with a Key? The answer is yes and no. The answer is yes, because you can add values without specifying any keys. The answer is no, because PHP will add a default integer key for you if you are not specifying a key. PH...
2017-02-03, 11017🔥, 0💬

'context.Request.MatchedParameters' URL Template Parameters
How to access URL template parameters from "context.Request.MatchedParame ters"object in Azure API Policy? URL template parameters are parameters used in the URL defined in the URL template: For example, the following URL template contains two template parameters, "cid", "oid" and "date": /customers...
2018-02-14, 10931🔥, 0💬

Passing Arrays by References to Functions in PHP
How To Pass Arrays By References? in PHP? Like normal variables, you can pass an array by reference into a function by taking a reference of the original array, and passing the reference to the function. Here is a PHP script on how to pass array as reference: <?php function shrink($array) { a...
2016-12-18, 10885🔥, 0💬

'set-variable' Statement to Create Custom Variables
How to use the "set-variable" Policy Statement to create custom variables for an Azure API service operation? The "set-variable" policy statement allows you to create custom variables with given values to be used later in other policy statements. The "set-variable" statement has the following syntax...
2018-01-24, 10668🔥, 0💬

Run PowerShell Commands in Dockerfile
How to run PowerShell Commands in Dockerfile to change Windows Docker images? When building a new Windows image, you can only run executable programs that are already installed on the image. A Windows image usually provides programs in the C:\Windows\System32 directory, including two commonly used p...
2022-01-24, 10472🔥, 0💬

Convert JSON to XML with PHP
How to convert a JSON text string to an XML document with PHP language? Currently, there is no built-in function or any standard extension that you can use to convert a JSON text string to an XML document. But you can use the following PHP example, json_to_xml_converter.php, to convert a JSON text s...
2023-07-11, 9888🔥, 0💬

"docker pull nvidia/cuda" - Download Docker Image
How to pull NVIDIA CUDA Docker Image with the "docker image pull nvidia/cuda" command? If you are running a Docker container on you NVIDIA GPU server, you can get a CUDA environment as a Docker container from the NVIDIA CUDA Docker images by following these steps. 1. Download NVIDIA CUDA Docker imag...
2023-03-07, 9514🔥, 0💬

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